Spring Clean Your Skin
How To Spring Clean Your Skincare Routine At Natural Beauty Salon In Lisburn
At the best beauty salon in Lisburn, we know how important a great skincare routine is to keep your skin glowing and youthful. As well as having the perfect skincare routine, it's also important to make sure that you check in with your skincare, and Spring is the best time of year to do this!
Our expert beauty therapists can help you with all of your skincare needs, including advising on the best at home skincare products, so why not pop in to find out how to curate the best skincare routine for you!
Carry on reading for our top tips on how to Spring Clean Your Skin & Skincare routine this Spring!
Throw Out Expired Products
Did you know that beauty products have an expiration date? I'm sure we can't be the only ones guilty of finding a moisturiser or toner at the bottom of your beauty bag and thinking that will do for now?
Well, every product should have instructions on how long they can last you, so it's probably a good idea a couple of times a year to go through all of your skincare and make sure all of your products are still in date!
See below the average time your products should last you:
*Cleanser: Up to 1 year
*Moisturiser: Up to 1 year
*Serum: Up to 1 year
Each product is different, but this is just an idea of how long your skincare products can last. Using expired products can cause irritation, acne and infection.
Swap Winter Skincare For Spring Skincare
Swapping your skincare routine depending on the weather is always a good idea! Change your thick winter moisturiser for something a little lighter, ideally with SPF! Since Spring can trigger some allergies it might also be a good idea to add some products that include antioxidants like Vitamin C to combat allergens.
If your skin is feeling particularly dull and dehydrated, you could benefit from a facial to revitalise your skin and wake it up for Springtime! Why not try one of our Dermalogica Facials or CACI Facials at Natural Beauty Salon in Lisburn?
Try New Products & Treatments
Who doesn't love a new product or a new treatment?
It's important to make sure that you are using the right products for your skin, and your skin needs can change over time.
We have a wide range of Dermalogica and CACI facials to ensure that your skin is perfectly hydrated, and looking young and fresh!
One of our skincare experts can help you decide on the best products for your skin, and if any new treatments, could really give the boost your skin needs!
Book Your Beauty Appointment At Natural Beauty Salon In Lisburn
Why not try a new treatment or facial to boost your skin this Spring, or come and speak to one of our expert beauty therapists on what could be the best beauty products for you in your Spring/Summer skincare routine. Call us on 028 9260 7224 now!