Sophie P

Our colourist Sophie is in her 2nd year of completing her level 2 hairdressing. She is bubbly, bright and loves her lippy! She couldn’t see herself doing anything else but hairdressing and loves being part of the team
What do you love about being a hairdresser? I love the creativity of hairdressing and how being are individual about their hair cut or colour. There is always something new to learn on different techniques.
Who inspires you? My boss Martine inspires me daily and I hope to be as successful as her one day.
What is your ultimate ambition? At the moment, my focus is fully on my salon training and to get as much knowledge and experience from my team and other professionals and to maybe travel the world with my hairdressing skills.
Tell us something about yourself that might surprise others? I used to be a very nervous person before I started working within the salon. The team and clients have helped me to grow and be confident socially.